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Smart Match Receipts - ProSpend

Written by Sharon | Jan 6, 2025 11:12:52 PM

As you probably know when a new credit card statement is created for you, we also go searching in your document vault for a matching receipt. And if we find a match we show this as the preferred receipt.

But now when we find that matching receipt we will SAVE IT automatically to the expense. And we’ve introduced a smart match function that can be launched at any time.

See what we did here…

What’s the best way for me to manage my receipts? Let us do the work. The moment you get that receipt, grab your phone and snap it and save it to your vault. We’ll scan it, extract the data, and have it ready for smart matching when your credit card statement comes in.

What about emailed receipts? No worries we do the same for receipts you emailed to your vault.

What if I forget or didn’t have time to send it to my vault straight away?. No problem, as long as it’s there before the credit card statement comes in, it’s automatic matching.

What if I send the receipt AFTER the credit card statement is created? We’ve added a ‘smart match’ button so you can run this search and match at any time.

So what’s a match! Pretty simple really…..the amount. If it’s not the same amount then it’s not a match! If we find more than one matched amount, we’ll list the options for you to chose from in the expense screen.

Does it work for cash claims? Yes, you can run the smart match anytime you want.

Contact us today for more information on how we can make life easy for your users.