It’s not new for businesses to make purchases using cards, but gone are the days when they were only limited to physical cards. While both may have the same functions, physical cards and virtual cards have some notable differences.
A physical card is a traditional card used for purchases. It contains the cardholder’s name, the 16-digit card number, an expiration date, a CVV and a magnetic strip. As its name suggests, a physical card is a regular plastic card issued by banks for clients to manage their spending.
Clients can use physical cards to withdraw cash from any ATM and make purchases from online and point-of-sale transactions.
A virtual debit card is essentially a digital version of a physical card. It also comes with a card number, expiration date and CVV. Since it’s a digital version, a virtual card lives in your mobile banking app.
Virtual cards are a digital solution that creates a unique number with every transaction, unlike a physical card that has a fixed card number.
Since virtual cards are a fairly new way to make payments, it’s understandable that some customers still feel unsure about getting into them. Here are the pros and cons of virtual cards that may help you with your decision.
If you’re currently using a physical card for your business and thinking of switching to a virtual card, check out this guide.
1. Petty cash fund upgrade
It can be pretty taxing to upgrade your business’s petty cash fund using a physical card or cash. Upgrading your fund through digital means is not just convenient; it also allows for better traceability of where the funds are being spent and by whom—especially in comparison to cash.
2. Monitoring of campaigns and subscriptions
Your company may be using some tools that you pay for monthly or annually. With virtual cards, you can set up individual cards for each subscription with a specific limit. This will ensure that the deducted amount doesn't automatically increase and it won’t be a surprise hit for your cash flow. This is also to prevent double dipping.
3. Improved security
You can set up your virtual card to prevent unauthorised transactions and block certain merchant categories. Virtual cards are also usually used only once, so they won’t be appealing to scammers and thieves.
4. Controlled spending
This is especially helpful for organisations that are trying to cut costs and manage expenses. With virtual cards, you can track transactions and data in real-time.
5. Accountability
Each transaction that has been made and will be made is labelled and categorised when you use a virtual card because virtual cards offer visibility for transactions.
6. Business transactions
With virtual cards, employees can submit requests for cards where they itemise beforehand exactly what they need the card for, such as for a trip.
7. Vendor management
You can easily manage your vendors because you can create virtual cards based on the number of vendors that the business has. You can easily see how many vendors you have across all departments, as well as how much money has been spent.
With our ProSpend cards, we offer greater flexibility, control, convenience, speed and security. We recommend going for a virtual debit card rather than a virtual credit card so you could easily manage your spending.
Thinking of getting a virtual card for your business? Book a demo with us.