One Unified Platform for spend management and proactive control

Expense Manager

AP Manager

Budget Manager - All features

Our feature rich platform is backed by a local team helping our customers with proactive spend management.


Web Icons_Matching_CapabilitiesBudget features 

  • green and white tick Budgets can be created on one or more of the following dimensions
  • blue dot Cost centre
  • blue dot Project Group
  • blue dot Projects
  • blue dot Activity Code
  • blue dot Expense types
  • green and white tick Budgets can be created online or via a csv upload
  • green and white tick Multiple budgets can be created and for set periods
  • green and white tick New budgets can be created with opening balances

Web Icons_Matching_CapabilitiesUser features

  • green and white tick Users see the budget allocation at the time of expense creation, invoice approval and purchase order creation
  • green and white tick Budget, spent, pending and available amounts are displayed
  • green and white tick Over budget warning is displayed
  • green and white tick Budget calculations are displayed in real-time
  • green and white tick Rejected or cancelled claims return that amount back to the available budget

Web Icons_Full_Implementation_Service

All ProSpend modules come with the following features

Web Icons_Manage_The_Approval Approvals


Configure different approval workflows for different modules - Expense, purchase orders or invoices and by user

  • green and white tick Approvals on mobile and desktop
  • green and white tick Single or multi-step workflows
  • green and white tick Configurable approval limits
  • green and white tick Cost centre and category approval workflows
  • green and white tick Predefined approvers or any approver workflow options
  • green and white tick Purchase order approval workflows with check conditions
  • green and white tick Purchase order approval with Goods Receipt Acknowledgement
  • green and white tick Reject approval workflows
  • green and white tick Approver out-of-office workflow
  • green and white tick Approval by suppliers, expense type and projects

Web Icons_Manage_The_Approval User permissions


An extensive range of permissions can be easily configured by users and include:

  • green and white tick Categories & cost centres
  • green and white tick Reports
  • green and white tick View all and update some or all claims
  • green and white tick Multiple delegates
  • green and white tick Alerts for scanned bank mismatch
  • green and white tick Option to delete sensitive documents
  • green and white tick View all purchase orders
  • green and white tick Bill cycle import
  • green and white tick Administration for virtual cards
  • green and white tick System generated emails

Web Icons_Multi-entity_Configurations Multi-entity databases


ProSpend has been designed to handle multi-entity businesses all in the one database. You can manage spending across different entities with different configurations and with a consolidated view

  • green and white tick Locations/Categories/Countries
  • green and white tick Business Units
  • green and white tick Divisions
  • green and white tick Cost centres
  • green and white tick Projects
  • green and white tick Approvals
  • green and white tick Suppliers
  • green and white tick Purchase Order customisation

Web Icons_Complex_Is_Easy_For_Us Admin & Payer rights


Finance teams need visibility and flexibility to monitor and manage spend and make changes quickly to adapt to business needs.  ProSpend offers a range of features for these teams

  • green and white tick Payer rights to return and review
  • green and white tick Administrator rights for update, edit and maintain entire database
  • green and white tick Payer export & import data rights
  • green and white tick Operational dashboard
  • green and white tick Bulk close and view all PO's
  • green and white tick Bill cycle import and maintenance
  • green and white tick Administration for virtual cards
  • green and white tick ABA file creation and export
  • green and white tick Audit trail on all transactions on all modules and sensitive admin data
  • green and white tick Auditor access
all modules circle icon 300 x 300-1

Start your automation journey with one or more of our flexible modules, and scale up as your needs grow


expense manager icon with rolled edges


Expense Manager

With Prospend's advanced expense manager, everyone in your organisation benefits from the speed, simplicity, efficiency and accuracy of an automated expense claim and reimbursement process

po module icon (1)


AP Manager

Automate all of your accounts payable processes and save time and money. Eliminate the costly problem of paper invoices, manual entry and slow approvals.  And backed by fraud control.

po module icon (1)


Purchase Orders

Take your entire purchase process online and give your employees the ability to plan their spend. Integrate purchase orders with our invoice module for a complete purchase to pay platform

vc module icon (2)


Virtual Cards

Flexible, secure and instant issue virtual cards with spend limits. The dynamic financial tool that will give your team the spending power they need, with the control and visibility your company demands

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Travel Manager

Reconcile travel with daily feeds and digital receipts. Digital travel receipts are sent directly to your travellers with expense matching and auto-coding.

einvoice icon (1)



Fast-track your digital transformation and receive your supplier invoices digitally.  e-Invoices are the smarter way to increase efficiency and accuracy

One platform for all your business spend

Easily manage your spend, expenses, invoices, purchase orders and budgets all in one powerful expense management solution.