One Unified Platform for spend management and proactive control

Expense Manager

AP Manager

Simplify and transform your approval process

Give your people the control and confidence with managing their spend

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Take the guesswork out of spend management

With ProSpend's automated approval workflows and spending limits, there’s no need for anyone to second-guess what they can spend or how much. Empower your team with confidence and peace of mind in managing their expenses and budgets


Customise approvals for each type of spend

Set custom workflows to match your DOA with multiple options and limits and even by the spend type. 

Have different approval workflows for expenses, invoices, purchase orders and virtual cards.

ProSpend is the smart way to control your spend.


Purchase with confidence

Control spend before it happens with ProSpend's easy to implement purchase order module.

Purchase order approval workflows are automated and when the Invoice is received and matched, approval workflows can be configured to a Goods Receipt Acknowledgement or straight-through processing.



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virtual card spend control

Pre-approve spend built into cards

Issue cards with limits and restrictions built in. Let employees spend on what they need without getting in their way so you can keep moving fast.

Pre-build budgets for responsible spend

Allow employees to request spend from pre-set budgets. Create custom workflows to make sure that the right managers are in the loop to approve.

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Set policies to stay compliant

Proactively set spend limits on corporate card and expense reimbursements, with 'heads-up' flags or spend restriction options.

Approvals on the last mile

Finance teams need visibility and flexibility to monitor and manage spend and make changes quickly.

Finance teams can edit before export or send back with two approval worklflow options.

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Visible budgets means proactive spend

Empower your people to make smart decisions.  Whether it's expenses, invoices or pre-spend with purchase orders our Budget Module gives employees visibility so they can make sensible and smart decisions:

✅ Easy to set up and manage
✅ Track spend against budgets in real time
✅ No more hidden spreadsheets

Your people can see their budgets at the time of spend so they can make sensible and smart purchasing decisions. 

Learn More About Our Budget Module


What our customers say

The smartest and most efficient way to manage your spend.

"We certainly have found ProSpend to be a significantly more efficient and effective approach to our purchase processing and has proven to be well worth the investment."

“Internally, its also added alot more control in the business, with the ability to track and raise purchase orders and approvals.”

“We cannot recommend ProSpend enough for those looking to automate their Spend Management. ProSpend is must-have software for Finance Teams.“”


Need clarification?

Can supporting documents be attached to purchase orders?

Unlimited documents can be attached to PO’s, i.e. quotes from multiple suppliers.

What happens if there is no purchase order for an invoice?

ProSpend offers customisation as per client’s requirements, where purchase orders can be made optional for invoices.

Can a purchase order be amended after it is approved?

Yes, purchase orders can be amended by an administrator. Once the purchase order is approved, the PO is processed by an admin who can make the required changes.

Can we add a company logo on a PO PDF?

Yes, a customised company logo can be added to purchase orders.

What happens if an invoice is more than the purchase orders?

Variance can be set for purchase orders. If an invoice is more than the PO, it will be sent for approval again. Variance can be set as a percentage or as an amount.

What happens if there is no existing supplier for the PO?

The user can request for a supplier if they can’t find it. However, the accounts payable team needs to approve it before purchase orders can be submitted for approval.

One platform for all your business spend

Easily manage your spend, expenses, invoices, purchase orders and budgets all in one powerful solution.