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ProSpend 2021 Updates: Navigating Challenges, Embracing Achievements

Our CEO, Sharon Nouh, welcomes the new year with 2021 updates for ProSpend while reflecting on the past year’s challenges and remarkable achievements.



2020 was a year that took us all by surprise, shocked us, and tested our resilience. As we move into a new year and reflect on the challenges we faced, we’d like to share our accomplishments and what we look forward to in the coming year.

Reflecting on 2020

Our commitment to being a smart automation solution for all spend helped us overcome challenges and set the stage for a great 2021. Our development team did amazing work handling 83 client requests, 82 integration enhancements, and introducing 42 new features. Additionally, we introduced a much-needed new Budget Module to aid companies in maintaining spend control during these challenging times.

Another highlight of our 2020 updates for ProSpend was the successful release of the ProSpend mobile application on both IOS and Android with enhanced functionality that provided our users with greater flexibility and convenience.

Pioneering Finance Automation in the New Normal

As hyperautomation was recognised by Gartner as the top trend in technology in 2020, we developed innovative workflows and empowered clients with tighter controls in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, we expanded with new API integrations and enhancements, making our platform compatible with Australia's most popular ERP systems. This commitment ensures that our clients have easy access to the finance automation tools they need, resulting in streamlined and efficient spend management.

Welcoming Growth

Thanks to the efforts of our sales and implementations team, we onboarded over 100 new clients who trusted us with their spending needs. We welcome each and every one of you and we’ll continue to be committed to providing you with exceptional service.

With this, our team grew, enabling us to support local job growth and contribute to our community. We are always on the lookout for talented individuals who can join our innovative and dynamic workforce in 2021.

2021 Updates for ProSpend: What’s Coming Next?

We thank our clients and partners for their contributions to our success. Your trust and support have enabled us to continuously improve our services and provide value to your businesses. We welcome the challenges that lie ahead. 2021 promises to be a year of recovery, opportunity, and disruption, with a focus on big ideas, digitisation, and remote work. We look forward to sharing more game-changing ProSpend updates this 2021 that will make your finance processes more seamless and more efficient. No matter what comes next, we are ready.

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