One Unified Platform for spend management and proactive control

Expense Manager

AP Manager


News, information and product updates for the ProSpend community. 

Manual Invoice Processing? The Cost And How To Fix It.

Learn about manual invoice processing, why this process so expensive, and how it can be reduced.

Which ERP System Is Right For Your Business?

Selecting a business management system is crucial. Read more to learn which ERP system is right for your business.

Smart Match Receipts

New feature: Smart Match Receipts! When your credit card statement is created, ProSpend will now search & save matching receipts to the expense...

The Advantage of Mobile Apps in Expense Reporting

Boost mobile workforce productivity with expense report software. Ditch paper forms for a seamless, app-based expense reporting experience.

2017 In Review

Let's look back through 2017---an exciting year of growth with new clients, new features and technology and new business partners.

London Taxis In Sydney

Sydney will be home to 200 London Taxis by the end of the year. With the launch of the London Taxis, here is what you need to know.

Why Did We Do It?

Why did we choose to have a mobile responsive site for mobile access to ProSpend rather than a mobile app? Read on to find out.

ProSpend Joins With MYOB

The innovative Australian cloud expense and invoice management software provider announced today they now integrate directly to MYOB Advanced.

New Purchase Order Module

ProSpend introduces the Purchase Order Module, streamlining organizations' procure-to-payment process in an affordable, paper-free platform.

Sharing Services & Digital Receipts Shake Up Corporate Travel

Corporate travel transforms with Uber and B2B tech. Discover how technology makes it mark on the travel and expense management space.

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