One Unified Platform for spend management and proactive control

Expense Manager

AP Manager


News, information and product updates for the ProSpend community. 

The Role Of Automation During A Recession

The COVID-19 pandemic tested business leaders. Post-pandemic, let's look at how a new normal emerged, reshaping work, shopping, travel, and more.

virtual cards

The Difference Between Physical Cards and Virtual Cards - ProSpend

A physical card and a virtual card may have similar functions, but they also have notable differences. Learn about them in this blog.

Retail Management: How ProSpend Expense Management Can Help

Retail management is not just about making sales. It's also about managing retail expenses to make sure that the company's finances are on the right...

Post Pandemic Resurgence Of EInvoicing

Post-pandemic, the once overlooked eInvoicing gains momentum in Australia. Discover why it is now recognized for digital efficiency and business...

Is Fraud Prevention Really A Necessary Evil?

Discover the role of fraud prevention in safeguarding your business. Learn how to mitigate risks posed by external and internal parties with...

Business Spend Management

How much SaaS licensing is being unused in your business?

3 tips on how a business spend management tool in your organization can help find opportunities from your current SaaS licensing spend and drive...

How Automation Is Changing the Workplace

Gone are the days when we had to rely on manual work for every task. Owing to automation in the workplace, we can now get the job done more...

expense manager

Expense Management: From Spreadsheets to Expense Software

A spreadsheet may do a lot, but it can only do so much. An expense software can do more than spreadsheets can, making expense management easier.

expense manager

Expense Claims: 5 Ways to Avoid Inappropriate Spending

Spending too much money on company expenses is a problem, but on inappropriate expenses? Unacceptable! Here are tips to avoid inappropriate spending.

virtual cards

Virtual Cards Benefits & Industry-Specific Use Cases

With the rise of digital transactions, virtual cards have emerged as a frontrunner in modern payment solutions, offering businesses a myriad of...

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